New standards for monitoring pregnant women in outpatient settings in Moldova

GravidaThe Ministry of Health in Moldova has approved the new standards for monitoring pregnant women in outpatient settings. The purpose of the new standards was to improve maternal health, to protect motherhood, to reduce the maternal morbidity and mortality.

In the new Standards surveillance of pregnant women in ambulatory conditions was broadened spectrum of clinical and laboratory examinations mandatory for all pregnant women during antenatal period. And, for pregnant women at risk was drawn up an individualized plan of care. For the first time, the revised regulatory framework ensures pregnant woman the right to choose for free the obstetrician gynecologist for supervision in an outpatient basis in the Chisinau Territorial Medical Association / District Hospital/ consultative section, regardless of place of residence and evidence in the medical records.

The Ministry of Health through these standards enables pregnant women to choose their obstetrician gynecologist for birth within medical institutions, given its prior consent. Thus, pregnant women will no longer be subject to pay service charges.

New Standards surveillance of pregnant women in outpatient settings:

  • for the first time in the obstetrical and gynecological practice was proposed to do the prenatal screening biochemical pregnancies at risk: double and triple-test to identify risk for the most serious and dangerous congenital disorders of fetus such as tube defects neural, chromosomal aberrations and congenital malformations.
  • was filled with an additional visit at 32-33 weeks of pregnancy term, which has a major importance in the early detection of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, which can lead to premature births, complications in pregnancy such as preeclampsia, eclampsia, etc.;
  • has been included mandatory test protein in the urine and blood glucose test that will allow to diagnose pathological conditions in pregnancy:
  • has been improved the psycho-emotional training program for pregnant women, that includes gender psychological topics, such as: positive psycho-emotional contact between mother and child and possible postnatal psychological problems. The trainings will be conducted by the family doctor.

Translation: Tatiana Casu, RHTC

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