FIAPAC (International federation of abortion and contraception professionals) is delighted to invite you to Lisbon, for their 12th congress (13-15 October 2016). The FIAPAC conferences are international meetings for all health care professionals whose work in reproductive health care focuses on abortion and family planning.
Scientific programme
Check-out the scientific programme. The latest results from scientific research, specific technical aspects and the current state of art will be presented. An interesting program has been organized for the Congress, including plenary sessions, workshops, free communications and poster presentations and sessions by different societies working in the field.
Register now online for early bird fees (until 30 June)
Call for abstracts
Submit your abstract online now (deadline 30 April 2016)The Conference will feature a large number of oral presentations and a display of posters.
Safe-the-date and come to Lisbon for the 12th FIAPAC Congress!
Sharon Cameron, FIAPAC President
Teresa Bombas, Congress President
Sociedade Portuguesa da Contracepção, Hosting Organiser